TruPlay News

Redeeming Play, Building Character, Nurturing Faith for the Next Generation

October 25, 2023

The Washington Times on TruPlay

Christian gaming service offers uplifting content for kids to counter negative messages. 'Games have supplanted books, movies as cultural-formation resource', TruPlay CEO says.

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September 14, 2023

TruPlay featured on OANN

TruPlay CEO, Brent Dusing and actor Dean Cain discuss the dangers of toxic media in America and TruPlay's new Digital Christian entertainment platform as a safe alternative for concerned parents.

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August 24, 2023

Billy Graham Evangelical Association endorses TruPlay

Struggling to Find ‘Whatever Is Pure’ When It Comes to Video Games? TruPlay, a Christian company, has developed a subscription-based platform of games, videos, and digital comics. The quality of TruPlay’s offerings typically exceeds that of other games available, and it does not expose children to questionable content or ads of any kind.

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August 6, 2023

Brent and Dean on Fox & Friends

Actor Dean Cain and TruPlay CEO and founder Brent Dusing join ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss the company’s efforts to provide faith-based online entertainment.

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